Wow, what a weekend!!! Team 624 just completed hosting its annual Katy-CRyptonite FIRST Lego League (FLL) Qualifier! This year Team 624 hosted 27 teams, more than we have had in the past, in the Katy-CRyptonite Qualifier. As expected, Team 624 CRyptonite put on a high quality event that allowed the teams to showcase their hard work in Teamwork, Research, Robot Design, and Robot Performance. From their performance, 9 teams won advancement tickets to move forward to the East Texas Regional Competition to be held at Stafford High School this spring.Thank you to everyone who volunteered for the event. We had over 40 students and 30 adults helping in areas such as refereeing, judging, practice field oversite, robot demonstrations, and concessions. Without everyone’s help, this event would not have been possible!Over the next week, more and more pictures will continue to be added to the Gallery linked below. Thanks for the mentors and students that took these pictures! Go Team 624!-Anuraag Routray: Student Coordinator for Katy-CRyptonite Qualifier-Mike Outlaw: Adult Coordinator for Katy-CRyptonite Qualifier